@Last year Japan suffered significant damage, particularly in the northeastern region, after being struck by the Great East Japan Earthquake in March. The effects of the disaster were widespread, having a serious impact not only on the everyday lives of the Japanese people, but also on Japanfs industrial activities as a whole, and caused global disruption to the supply chain for the Japanese electronic components industry. On top of that, the Japanese yen reached record highs against the US dollar and Euro in the wake of the European sovereign debt crisis, and the global supply chain suffered further disruption as a result of extensive flood damage in Thailand. Those repeated and serious setbacks made it a tough year for the industrial sector.
@Although the global economy still faces major concerns due to the impact of the European sovereign debt crisis and financial instability, in Asia and other emerging markets, despite suffering certain effects, there continues to be self-sustained, strong economic growth, which is being spurred on by growth policies, and is underpinned by growing domestic demand as the number of middle-income earners increases.
@Now, as for the Japanese economy, according to the Cabinet Office's Monthly Economic Report for April gthe economy is still picking up slowly, while difficulties continue to prevail due to the Great East Japan Earthquake last year.h
@Furthermore, with full-fledged efforts towards recovery from the disaster underway, on account of measures such as the governmentfs substantial supplementary budget, and significant revision of energy policies, going forward I believe that there will be even greater importance attached to technological development of new energy and energy conservation in Japan. Meanwhile, the trend towards creation of new industries called gnew IT-integrated industriesh which integrate IT/electronics and traditional industries is steadily taking off.
@The integration of IT with other industries enables the creation of new businesses and industries, and in turn creates employment. Japanfs cutting-edge IT and electronics technologies certainly play a central role in helping to create new industries such as those that integrate energy and IT, medical/healthcare and IT, automobile/transport systems and IT, and agriculture and IT. To that end, it is essential that technological development is carried out through cooperation which transcends company walls and industry barriers, not to mention the efforts of each company, and furthermore, combines the wisdom of industry, government and academia based on a long-term vision.
@In areas such as these, I think ASET is expected to play a role in promoting innovative technological development as a leading consortium.
@Sixteen years have passed since ASET was established in 1996. As a research-focused consortium which transcends barriers between corporations and different industries, we have achieved numerous successes across a broad range of fields during that period; ranging from semiconductors, magnetic recording and liquid crystal to the recent development of platforms for various software; and from electronic devices to application systems which include hardware and software.
@This year ASET will promote the 3D-Integration Technology Project (Dream Chip Project), and as we carry out research and development with a view to commercialization, we will remain keenly attuned to the needs of the times, while being mindful of international standardization activities.
@I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation for the invaluable assistance that the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has provided to ASET and look forward to your continued and immeasurable support.